You need something quick and easy to serve for breakfast- like those whole grain frozen waffles that caught your eye as you breezed past the freezer case in your local grocery store. What could be simpler? Pop them in the toaster and toss them on your breakfast plate. They must be healthy; after all, they're whole grain – right? But, before you toss that box of whole grain waffles into your shopping cart, make sure that they're really as healthy as you think they are. Here's what to look for when choosing a frozen whole grain waffle.
Frozen Whole Grain Waffles: Are They Really Whole Grain?
The ingredients in a whole grain frozen waffle will vary depending upon the brand you choose, so you need to do a little detective work. If a frozen waffle is truly whole grain, the first ingredient listed on the ingredient list should be whole wheat flour. It's important that the word "whole" be included, since wheat flour and unbleached wheat flour aren't whole grain at all. Don't be fooled by wheat flour or cracked wheat if it's listed on the label. A waffle can have these ingredients and still not be whole grain. Always look past the colorful advertising on the front of the box and read the ingredient list on the back of the package.
Whole Grain Frozen Waffles: Ingredients to Avoid
Once you've confirmed that your waffle is truly whole grain, be sure it doesn't contain ingredients you don't want. You'd be surprised how many frozen waffles still have transfats – usually listed as partially hydrogenated oils on the ingredient list. Even though the trans fat content may be listed as zero grams, it still contains trans fats if it contains partially hydrogenated oils or fractionated oils. No "healthy" frozen whole grain waffle should have hydrogenated oils. Ever.
Frozen Whole Grain Waffles: Avoid the Big Three
Check to see how much salt, sugar, and fat your frozen whole grain waffle contains. As with most packaged foods, waffles are usually high in sodium and most have some added sugar. Some are also relatively high in saturated fat, although frozen waffles with reduced fat and calories can be found in some grocery stores. Another concern are the dyes added to frozen waffles to give them added color. Some people are allergic to these dyes and they've also been associated with hyperactivity in children. If possible avoid frozen waffles that list dyes or colorings under their ingredients.
Which One is Best?
Kashi makes whole grain waffles that have a fairly good profile, although they're a little high in salt and have some added sugar. You're really better off making your own if you have the time since even the healthiest of frozen whole grain waffles are high in sodium, but if you're pressed for time Kashi isn't a bad choice.