This is the moment a businessman Carl Weininger tucked into the world`s most expensive dessert which he bought for £22,000 to cheer himself up after he was dumped by his girlfriend.
Mr Weininger, 60, splashedout on the extravagant pudding as a `pick-me-up` after she ended their three year relationship.
The chocolate-laced pudding, styled like a Faberge egg, is believed to have broken all previous records with its list of ingredients including gold, champagne caviar and a diamond.
Mr Weininger took the pudding to the Sofitel Hotel at Heathrow Terminal Five Sofitel Hotel on November 26, where lucky guests sampled the luxury dessert.
Each mouthful cost around £800 and the whole dessert took just 15 minutes to devour.
Mr Weininger from Rugby, Warwickshire, admitted he bought the pudding to cheer himself up after his relationship ended.
He said: `Buying the dessert was a real boost for my morale. I was dumped earlier this year and felt this could be a decent pick-me-up.
`As someone who buys and sells diamonds, I was also particularly attracted by the diamond that came with it.
`I`m not much of a chocolate lover myself but all the women who tasted it said "Wow".
`It was absolutely delicious, as you would expect, but only lasted 15 minutes but the flavours will last in the memory forever.`
Chef Marc Guilbert layered the flamboyantpudding with a light biscuit joconde and champagne jelly, infusedwith peach, orange and whiskey.
主廚Marc Guilbert制作的這塊華麗布丁混合著一塊輕薄的餅干蛋糕和香檳果凍,還加入了桃子、橙子和威士忌。
主廚Marc Guilbert制作的這塊華麗布丁混合著一塊輕薄的餅干蛋糕和香檳果凍,還加入了桃子、橙子和威士忌。
The pudding was encasedin an outer coating made of bitter dark Belgian chocolate, glazed with edible gold leaf and handmade flowers.