Packet Switching 分組交換
PAD(Programme Associated Data) 節(jié)目伴隨數(shù)據(jù)
PCN(Personal Communication Network) 個人通信網(wǎng)
PCS(Personal Communication Service) 個人通信業(yè)務
PD(Power-Double) 功率倍增(放大器)
PDFA(Praseodymium-Doped Fiber Amplifier) 摻鐠氟化物光纖放大器
PDH(Pseudo-Synchronous Digital Hierarchy) 準同步數(shù)字序列
Phase 相位
Physical Layer 物理層
PI(Programme Identification) 節(jié)目識別
Picture 圖像
Pilot Frequency:導頻
PIN(Positive-Intrinsic-Negative) 正-本征-負(二極管)
Power 電源,功率
PP(Push-Pull) 推挽
PPC(Pay-Per-Channel) 按頻道付費
PPV(Pay-Per-View) 按次付費
PRBS(Pseudo-Random Binary Sequence) 偽隨機二進制序列
Presentation Layer 表示層
PRI(Primary Rate Interface) 初始速率接口
Programmable Channel 可編程序頻道
PSTN(Public Switching Telecommunication Network) 公共交換電信網(wǎng)
QOS(Quality Of Service) 服務質量
RDI(Receiver Data Interface) 接收機數(shù)據(jù)接口
RDS(Radio Data System) 無線數(shù)據(jù)系統(tǒng)
Receiver 接收機
Remote Head End:遠地前端
RF(Radio Frequency) 射頻
RIN(Relative Intensity Noise) 相對強度噪聲
Router 路由器
S/N(Signal to Noise ratio) 信噪比
SA(Service Area) 服務區(qū)
SBS(Stimulated Brillouin Scattering) 受激布里淵散射
S-CDMA(Synchronous Code Division Multiple Access) 同步碼分復用
SCPC(Single Channel Per Carrier) 單路單載波
SCTE(Society of Cable Telecommunication Engineers) (美國)有線電視通信工程師協(xié)會
SDH(Synchronous Digital Hierarchy) 同步數(shù)字序列
SDM(Space Division Multiplexing) 空分復用
SDMA(Space Division Multiple Access) 空分多址
Self-Healing 自愈
SESR(Severely Error Second Ratio) 嚴重誤碼秒率
Session Layer 會話層
SFN(Single Frequency Network) 單頻網(wǎng)(同步網(wǎng))
SID(Service IDentifier) 服務識別碼
Signal 信號
SMF(Single Mode Fiber) 單模光纖
SMR(Signal to Mask Ratio) 信號掩蔽比
SMS(State Monitoring System) 狀態(tài)監(jiān)測系統(tǒng)
SMT(State Monitoring Transponder) 狀態(tài)監(jiān)測轉發(fā)器
SNAP(Sub-Network Access Protocol) 子網(wǎng)訪問協(xié)議
SNMP(Simple Network Management Protocol) 簡單網(wǎng)絡管理協(xié)議
SNR(Signal to Noise Ratio) 信號噪聲比
SONET(Synchronous Optical NETwork) 同步光纖網(wǎng)
SR(Symbol Rate) 符碼率
STB(Set-Top Box) 機頂盒
STI(Service Transport Interface) 業(yè)務傳輸接口
STM(Synchronous Transport Module) 同步傳遞模塊
STN(Service Transport Network) 業(yè)務傳輸網(wǎng)絡
STP(Shielded Twisted Pair) 屏蔽雙絞線
SubCh(Sub-Channel of the main service channel) 主業(yè)務信道的子信道
SubChId(Sub-Channel Identifier) 子信道標志
SubId(Sub-Identifier of a Transmitter) 發(fā)射機子識別
Switch 開關,轉換
System Outlet 系統(tǒng)輸出口
TCP(Transmission Control Protocol) 傳輸控制協(xié)議
TDM(Time Division Multiplexing) 頻分復用
TDMA(Time Division Multiple Access) 頻分多址
TE(Terminal Equipment) 終端設備
Terminal 終端
Threshold value 閾值
Threshold 門限
TM(Terminal Multiplexer) 終端復用器
TM(Traffic Management) 流量管理
TMC(Traffic Message Channel) 交通信息信道
Transmitter 發(fā)射機
Transport Layer 傳輸層
Trunk Feeder System 干線系統(tǒng)
Tune 調諧
Tuner 調諧器
TWA(Two-Way Addressable) 雙向尋址
Two-Way CATV 雙向有線電視
UC(Up Converter) 上變頻器
UHF(UltraHigh Frequency) 特高頻
ULF(UltraLow Frequency) 特低頻
UNI(User Network Interface) 用戶網(wǎng)接口
Upstream 上行
UTP(Unshielded Twisted Pair) 非屏蔽雙絞線
V/A(the Vision to Audio carrier power ratio) 圖像-伴音載波功率比
VC(Virtual Capsule) 虛容器
VCCO(Voltage Controlled Crystal Oscillator) 壓控晶體振蕩器
VCO(Voltage Controlled Oscillator) 壓控振蕩器
VDSL(Very high bit-rate Digital Subscriber Line) 超高速數(shù)字用戶線
VDT(Video Dail-Tone) 撥號視頻(業(yè)務)
VHF(Very High Frequency) 甚高頻
VOD(Video On Demand) 視頻點播
VSB-AM(Vestigial SideBand-Amplitude Modulation) 殘留邊帶調幅
VSWR(Voltage Standing Wave Ratio) 電壓駐波比
WAN(Wide Area Network) 廣域網(wǎng)
Wave 電波
WDM(Wavelength Division Multiplexing) 波分復用
WS(Work Station) 工作站
WWW (World Wide Web)萬維網(wǎng)